Who needs an original concept when you can just improve upon a borrowed one? "Graduation Day" is a revenge slasher in the "Friday the 13th" mould, only more fulfilling. The characters are, of course, paper-thin, with the usual motivations of slasher genre victims; they talk glib, have sex, and die. And they die in the best ways possible: via practical effects work that's just so '80s horror. Speaking of which, keep an eye out for Linnea Quigley's boobs making one of their earlier appearances on film. Most of all, enjoy this turn-your-brain-off slasher fun in all its gory glory.
The more I think about it, the more futile it seems to maintain a blogger page for movie reviews in this day and age when Letterboxd is ri...
"The Whale" is a movie built around an essay about Moby Dick, Brendan Fraser in fat guy prosthetics, and the skeletons of the rela...
Hindsight truly becomes 20/20 once one has sat through a movie like "Apartment 7A". Reeling from the tedium this movie brings to t...
Two years removed from the events of the first movie, killer doll Chucky (Brad Dourif) is unknowingly revived by the Play Pals Corporation a...