"Killdozer" is an exciting name for a lukewarm, albeit well-cast horror movie. Focusing in on a construction crew working on an island airstrip who disturb a mysterious rock that imbues one of their bulldozers with evil intentions, it's a thin concept that just barely justifies an already slim 74 minute runtime. And yet it's enjoyable despite its limitations, chief among them being the unlikeliness of its characters succumbing in the ways that do. Why enjoyable? It's just great watching the likes of Clint Walker, Carl Betz, Neville Brand and James Wainwright going at each other as they try to comprehend and survive the nightmarish situation they find themselves after the killdozer cuts off their communication with the outside world and begins its rampage. This is an actor's movie with a side of horror silliness that does nothing amazingly but does just enough right.
The more I think about it, the more futile it seems to maintain a blogger page for movie reviews in this day and age when Letterboxd is ri...
Infamous for its grim scenes of rape and murder, as well as its director's unconvincing abuse of the exploitation genre's "PSA...
"The Whale" is a movie built around an essay about Moby Dick, Brendan Fraser in fat guy prosthetics, and the skeletons of the rela...
Two years removed from the events of the first movie, killer doll Chucky (Brad Dourif) is unknowingly revived by the Play Pals Corporation a...