Saturday 21 October 2023

Revealer (2022)

With the rapture apparently raining down on the outside, "Revealer" hones in on sassy stripper Angie (Caito Aase) and repressed religious fundie Sally (Shaina Schrooten) as they try to survive (or be saved) inside of the peep show booth where the former works. Here and there, snake-like creatures make their presence known to imperil the two feuding friends in the making, as well as a muffly-voiced monster that's meant to be Satan or something similar, but Luke Boyce's movie is more about the evolution of these characters' over the course of a too-long 86 minute runtime. Of course, said character development follows a drearily predictable path even as the co-leads do what they can to make it work. It would have helped to have a decent amount of sex and gore to spice things up (the movie is called "Revealer", after all) but no dice: limitations of the budget may have put paid to that possibility. What we get, then, is a sadly flat movie with fleeting moments of interest and a decent '80s soundtrack. It could have been worse but it could also have been a whole lot better.

Apartment 7A (2024)

Hindsight truly becomes 20/20 once one has sat through a movie like "Apartment 7A". Reeling from the tedium this movie brings to t...