Comedy-horror made with a dollar and a dream, "The Scrotum" is a surprisingly well shot little flick that pits an unexpectedly decent final girl against a scrotal monster that comes into being when her boyfriend does some manscaping in a polluted lake. If the movie only has enough of a budget to grant us fleeting glimpses of its tendrilly monster, it otherwise does about as well as can be expected to make its roughly hour-long runtime as entertaining as it can be within monetary and creative confines. Its use of blood and angular shots definitely helps elevate schlocky material clearly inspired by "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre", as does the lead performance of Kelsey Tweed, screaming her lungs out as she's first pursued then ultimately fights back against her beau's bestial balls. I still wouldn't call this good, but it's probably the best testicle monster movie I've ever seen.
The more I think about it, the more futile it seems to maintain a blogger page for movie reviews in this day and age when Letterboxd is ri...
"The Whale" is a movie built around an essay about Moby Dick, Brendan Fraser in fat guy prosthetics, and the skeletons of the rela...
Hindsight truly becomes 20/20 once one has sat through a movie like "Apartment 7A". Reeling from the tedium this movie brings to t...
Two years removed from the events of the first movie, killer doll Chucky (Brad Dourif) is unknowingly revived by the Play Pals Corporation a...