Friday, 11 August 2023

Jaws of the Shark (2012)

It's hard to know where to even begin a review of something like "Jaws of the Shark". A backyard movie shot in Sweden with a cast of what could only very loosely be called actors, it's made with a love that's kind of charming, is actually sort of hilarious, and drips with incompetency from beginning to end. Really, it defies a rating in that way so many Tubi discoveries seem to. In it we find a shark-man who appears to be made of dirty mats fuck up a bunch of Swedish kids who speak in broken English, while a young woman in a bad wig tries to close the net on the man-monster and bring his bloody massacre to a swift ending. Really it's more of a fever dream than a movie, random and terrible in ways that are almost genius. You kind of have to be a downpunching dick to even give it a negative review. Alas...

  The more I think about it, the more futile it seems to maintain a blogger page for movie reviews in this day and age when Letterboxd is ri...