Working at the behest of a cancer-stricken billionaire (played with surprising gusto by John Rhys-Davies), a pharmaceutical lab produces an anaconda with final boss energy in "Anaconda 3: Offspring", although the viewer could be forgiven for seeing it as a massive visual downgrade on the previous entries into the series. Complete with hilariously unconvincing CGI, a threadbare story that just barely justifies the action, and eyebrow-raising casting such as David Hasselhoff as a mercenary essentially filling the Jon Voight/turncoat role, B-movie merchant Don E. FauntLeRoy's sequel lurches into silly territory from the jump and never looks back. Yet it's not without its moments of ironic fun, which usually come with the razor-tailed anaconda's various kills of its hapless human prey, although there's a side of one-liners ("Happy trails, slimy bitch!") that anticipate the later "Texas Chainsaw 3D" and "Jeepers Creepers: Reborn" in an amusing way. I also had to smile at the movie's attempt to have Crystal Allen join the prestigious white tanktop club (sorry Crystal, but Jessica Biel and Eliza Dushku are just built different). Overall, this is a pretty terrible movie with fleeting points of interest.
The more I think about it, the more futile it seems to maintain a blogger page for movie reviews in this day and age when Letterboxd is ri...
"The Whale" is a movie built around an essay about Moby Dick, Brendan Fraser in fat guy prosthetics, and the skeletons of the rela...
Hindsight truly becomes 20/20 once one has sat through a movie like "Apartment 7A". Reeling from the tedium this movie brings to t...
Two years removed from the events of the first movie, killer doll Chucky (Brad Dourif) is unknowingly revived by the Play Pals Corporation a...