Sunday 12 November 2023

Death Toilet (2018)

A dollar. A dream. A toilet. That is the origin story of "Death Toilet", a 54-minute long movie about a Vietnam veteran returning to his recently deceased brother's home and discovering his toilet is possessed, which I knew I had to watch the moment I heard about it. Was it worth it? No. Did I laugh? Yes, especially during the toilet exorcism scenes ("This toilet is clean.") and when the film hit me with that one glorious cat reaction shot near the end. Outside of that, it's a two-man show of bad acting and even worse special effects, all set in and around a toilet with the ability to slash throats and trigger war flashbacks. As a curry and hot wings enthusiast, I could relate to it at times, but really it's a cheap piece of crap that nobody should really be watching. Yet it has spawned a franchise. A franchise that has made it (at least partially) to Tubi. A franchise that I will see through to the bitter, pungent end.

  The more I think about it, the more futile it seems to maintain a blogger page for movie reviews in this day and age when Letterboxd is ri...