When the day of convicted killer Edward Wayne Brady (Sean Patrick Flanery) arrives, psychiatrist James Martin (Jordan Belfi) is drafted in to assess his mental fitness for execution. This is complicated somewhat by Edward's claims to be a demon, which aren't exactly the sanest claims to make, except that he's on a course to convince Dr. Martin of their truth, inspire him to commit three murders, and continue to perpetuate an ageless evil on Earth.
If all that sounds promising, I regret to inform you that "Nefarious" is, in fact, Christian propaganda masquerading as a thriller, in which the definition of murder is stretched according to rightist philosophy and actual elements of cinematic horror are in short supply. Sean Patrick Flanery acts up a storm as the pro-life demon occupying a man's body in service of the filmmakers' biases while Jordan Belfi sits there looking dumb and swallowing every lame talking point his verbose foe drops on him. If you're a fan of heavy-handed right wing sermonizing and solemn Glenn Beck cameos (of all things), you'll probably love it. The uninitiated -- or anyone looking for an actual good movie -- should avoid it like the plague, however.