Thursday 18 January 2024

Ouija Shark (2020)

These days there's an endless supply of independent horror movies made with but a dollar and a dream, yet when it comes to the many shark movies floating about, it's less "dream" than title that takes precedence. Enter "Ouija Shark", in which director Brett Kelly and a ragtag band of no-name actors loosely improvise a story around a title they never had any realistic hope of living up to. I won't bore you with the irrelevant details of what could debatably be called the movie's plot, but it's something about a ouija board linked to animal spirits conjuring up what looks to be a super-imposed hand puppet of a shark, which kills a bunch of people off before the movie lazily ambles into an ending featuring an impression of Donald Trump that lives up to the standards of everything preceding it. Like "Cocaine Shark", it's never entertaining, even in a so-bad-it's-good way.

Immaculate (2024)

Following young American nun Cecilia (Sydney Sweeney) as she starts her new life in a remote Italian convent, only to discover that her new ...