Thursday 25 January 2024

Terror Trips (2021)

"Terror Trips" opens with a group of friends and horror movie fans starting a business providing guided tours of the shooting locations of various horror movies, with the kicker being that it'll eventually lead them to experience some very real horror. Sounds promising on paper, until you realize that the best thing these filmmakers can cook up is a version of "Hostel" where the profit's in human body parts and the cast and crew don't quite have the talent to overcome budgetary constraints. This is watchable, sure, and the fractured relationships between the cadre of organ-harvesting baddies account for the movie's most interesting moments, but the acting is uniformly mid and there's just so many scarier, more novel directions "Terror Trips" could have gone in. This isn't even aggressively bad, either, which just makes it even more boring.

Immaculate (2024)

Following young American nun Cecilia (Sydney Sweeney) as she starts her new life in a remote Italian convent, only to discover that her new ...